Passover Prep - Digital Seders, recipes, Intermarried/intercultural family ideas and Freedom

Passover Prep Round Up:

There is a lot here but feel free to skim and enjoy. Take what you like, leave what you don’t! I want you to have a great Passover! Here are some resources…

A greeting from me, if you want, and my cheesy telling of the Passover story - in rhyme!

I recorded this for my congregation but feel others should get to experience my rhyme that tells the Exodus story that I wrote in rabbinical school. Is this embarrassing a little? Yes. But I’m sending it to make you smile. Feel free to play me during your seder if you want a quick and easy Maggid (story)!

Digital Seder Ideas:

As the rabbi of a virtual secular synagogue, this actually WAS like other years in terms of how we do our seder. Our online format is a really special way to get people dippin’ the parsley and sippin’ the wine all across the world in real time. We had folks from Eastern and Western Canada, around the US, Germany, the UK, and South Africa! Here are my tips:

1) Go big on creating meaning, not trying to recreate the experience you’re used to.

It won’t be the same. But it might be better! Or at least meaningful in a new way! I recommend:

  • co-create a Haggadah with people (see below for resources) or pick one that fits your values

  • go around and speak about what you love about Passover and what resonates with you the most

  • make sure you make time for a check-in and genuine connection with the people there. It’s not all about the content, it’s about the connection.

2) Make it fun!

Here’s how I do a digital Afikomen hunt (the part where you search for matzah). I “hide” it somewhere in the world (this year I randomly chose the Eiffel Tower) and people have 20 yes/no questions to find it. It’s fun! And gets the job done.

3) Eat yummy food

I went big and ordered a full catered dinner for my little family of 4. I want the food to be special and memorable and, yes, traditional. And i don’t want to cook it myself. Maybe you love cooking - so do that! But don’t skimp on the good stuff just because 97 people aren’t coming over. Give yourself the pleasure of cooking or eating the foods you love — just you or the people you live with.

There’s more great advice out there! I personally like the stuff from Hey Alma: and

Intermarriage/Intercultural families:

My book! Why not read it now? It has tips for celebrations such as Passover:

My blog on Passover and Intermarriage:

Jewbelong resources (including Ruth’s Mix for Intercultural/intermarried families):

18Doors also has great stuff on intermarriage/intercultural famlies:


A couple Haggadah options to check out:

DIY a Haggadah via (do a search for “secular” and great stuff comes up! The one by Haggadot itself has some clips from me and others in the Secular Humanistic Jewish movement!  ):


Recipe ideas:

Warning: This is the best thing ever and self-control, particularly while in self-isolation, is not possible:

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World):

As sad as it is to think about, there are many people who are enslaved today. This Passover I encourage us to consider the issue of Human Trafficking. There is much we can learn about this issue and things we can do – even while we are at home! Check out these great resources:

This one has ideas for how to make a truly meaningful Passover!

I always love the work of T’ruah: Rabbis for Human Rights:

Join a coalition:

Learn and do more:

Sending out big love for a great Passover! If you want to check out the replay of the Secular Synagogue seder to follow along to then send me a message. We’re still taking new members and would love to have you!

Rabbi Denise
